BTRHC - Bluetooth RemoteThe BTRHC allows for bluetooth communication with Lakewood Systems Data Loggers.
CM15AI - Cellular Modem IndoorThe Cellular Modem Indoor can interface to all models of Lakewood Data Loggers and have the ability to communicate where a cellular signal is present.
CM15AO - Celluar Modem OutdoorThe Cellular Modem Outdoor can interface to all models of Lakewood Data Loggers and have the ability to communicate where a cellular signal is present.
ULMB - Ultralogger Modem BackThe Ultra Logger Modem Back is an ideal option for providing communication with a remote data logger via land based telephone lines.
WSTM - Wireless Serial Transceiver (Master)The Wireless Serial Transceiver (Master) provides for wireless serial communications between remote data loggers and the user’s computer.
WSTR- Wireless Serial Transceiver (Remote)The Wireless Serial Transceiver (Remote) connects to a remote data logger and can establish communications between the data logger and computer via the Wireless Serial Transceiver Master (WSTM).